Saturday, August 21, 2010

Finish the lyrics...

Well...we just got home from a trivia night. Pretty successful evening. Tied for 3rd, lost on our guess of the # we'd have right. We were overzealous by 9! (Good to have high expectations for yourself, right?) We also came home with a bunch of "wine and dine" fun...bottles of spirits to add to our bar and gift certificates to restaurants as well as a Mizzou volleyball package. Very successful night.

So...what's the problem...

Though I rocked...literally...on a "finish the lyrics" category, I learned that I sing some...okay a lot...of lyrics wrong. I bet I'm not alone. So here...give it a try. I'm going to try to remember some of tonight's examples, but feel free to quiz us on your own!

B'52's "Love Shack"..
Bang, bang, bang on the door baby
Bang, bang on the door
Bang, bang, babg on the door baby
Bang bang
You're what....____ ______ ________!

(I messed that one up good!)

How about Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"
And now our bodies are oh so close and tight,
It never felt so good, it never felt so right,
____ ____ ________ ____ ___ ______ ____ ____ _____ ___ _ _____

(I had at least 3 words wrong on that.)

Oh well...I sure had fun singing them right or wrong...tell me you feel my pain. At least I made for some good laughs tonight. As I do quite often!!


  1. Need the answers...Tin Roof Rusted and And we're glowing like the metal on the end of a knife!! Want to know what I'll have to see if my friends give it up or not. I'm sure they will!!

  2. I would never do that to you Jen!! Ok, still laughing too hard to remember exactly what your lyrics were!! Although it seems that from the reactions throughout the room, you were in good company!!
