In my eyes, a good principal leads the school by example. He (for my purposes, but you can substitute she throughout!) sets the tone for the building, creates a vision and purpose for his staff, and enables his staff to reach their highest potential. A good principal is not overly critical of his staff, but rather builds on their strengths and gives worthy advice for areas of improvement. A good principal makes his staff feel safe and he always has their back. A good principal shows that he cares about his students by involving himself in all aspects of the school. A good principal is in the cafeteria interacting with the kids. A good principal pops in and out of classrooms letting the kids (and teachers) know that he's aware of how things are going on an almost daily basis. A good principal doesn't just chide a child when they misbehave, but rather uses every situation as a "teachable moment". A good principal participates in school events...motivates kids by showing their "fun" side...and maybe even embarrasses himself for a good cause.
Dr. T. was that principal for me. I never felt better about myself as a teacher as when he was my leader. He was my principal, he was my mentor, he was my motivator, he was my friend. I was so lucky to work directly with and for him for 8 years. I still keep my foot in the education door through opportunities he provides. Mr. S. is that kind of principal for my daughter. He's smiling outside as his students arrive. He's in the cafeteria getting to know his students and seeing how they interact (a key to circumventing problems before they arise). He sets a positive example for his students and staff. He's the principal the kids want to see if they get in trouble because he talks them through what's going on and helps them learn from their mistakes. He even makes personal phone calls home to brag on kids. What a lucky staff to work for him. this school year draws to a close and we look forward to a few months off, I hope that principals everywhere can reflect on the impact they're having on their students and staff. It's an important job that not everyone is cut out for. Students and staff deserve a good principal. He (or she) sets the tone for everything else in the school.