Thursday, May 26, 2011


So this week has really gotten me thinking about all of the "passages" we go through in life. I remember when I was a kid...40 was old. I also thought that time passed so slowly. It took forever for holidays to come, for your next birthday to arrive, anything special really. They all took time. Now...everything moves so fast. We're always running, always doing, and time is always running out. Maybe it's because I am now 40, but I wish I could slow down time. My kids are growing up too fast, my hair is getting too gray (trust me on this), and "passages" come all too quickly.

Take for instance this beautiful kid of mine. He just turned double digits. He's about to complete the grade I taught when I taught "big kids", and he's my baby! Pretty soon, I won't have any more kids in elementary school. What a change that will bring to my life! My other beauty is going to be a teenager this year. My baby girl. The one whose first year I wasn't sure I'd survive is now only 5 short years away from college. What?!? It seems like I just got them sleeping through the night.

We're going through lots of big "passages" this year. I won't say how old my sister in law turned this year because this would be my last blog, but it was a biggie. My sweet grandma in law will be 90 in August. Talk about the passage of time. She's almost a centurion. Even though I've know her for 22 years, that's not even 1/4 of her life! I'm certain she's seen passages beyond what most can even comprehend. My little nephew will start kindergarten. It really was yesterday that I was caring for him in my home and sending home bag loads of clothes he's spit up on. Now kindergarten. We've had new jobs, name it. We all do.

So with each passage, I guess we will remember the best, forget the rest, and watch the future unfold. I just hope to not take time for granted. As we get ready to have the kids home for summer, I want to remember that the added "messiness" and "craziness" that comes with that will be gone before we know it and we won't be able to get it back.'s to embracing summer, spending loads of quality time together, and just finding contentment in being together. In the blink of an eye, these amazing beings will be out on their own. I'm sure it'll leave an ache in this momma's heart. I already feel it coming. In the blink of an eye.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness've got me crying...cut it OUT! sweet words that are all too true...seriously, where has the time gone? ugh!
